Hello all;
I have not been faithful to write my journal on this medium. It's really hard to do when you are moving everywhere, but you understand that, don't you?? :)
I went to Chicago this past Saturday to participate on an event organized by the Consulate General of Chicago. You can go to their website to see what it is about, the gallery and other information
Remarkable Indonesia Fair 2019 I have a blast and met new people.
I am hoping that next year I can join them again for more of the good food, good people, and good program.
With warm regards,
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Monday, January 16, 2017
Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year has come and pass.... I don't now about you, but I can tell you this, TIME hasno mercy on your plan. It will swallow yuur plan whether you like it or not. I realy need to buckled up and make the ue of the times now, while I still have it.
This past year I have the priviledge to participate in the international festival in my town. It is with much eagerness I responded to the inqury to show case my traditional clothings, where my ancestor ware not so long ago.

I also had the oppotunity to dance with the small group of Indonesian in the participating the INDONESIAN CULINARY in Houston. Some one uploaded in youtube, yu canheck it out on the following link https://youtu.be/U20sBg_Qk44
I don't know when will the next opportunity shows itself, but I am waiting with anticipation. "till next time.

I also had the oppotunity to dance with the small group of Indonesian in the participating the INDONESIAN CULINARY in Houston. Some one uploaded in youtube, yu canheck it out on the following link https://youtu.be/U20sBg_Qk44
I don't know when will the next opportunity shows itself, but I am waiting with anticipation. "till next time.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Time is always moving forward, it doesn't matter if you participate with it or not. It's funny how people are always saying they don't have enough time to do everything they want to.. and here I am letting time slipping through my fingers.. but, I am not going to let that discourages me to continue to write on this blog page, however sporadically as it is..
After the Christmas celebration we have at my house, we are go on separate way and continue with our hum drum of life requirement. From going to work to going to the groceries store.. we are caught up with our daily lives.
I am really glad that on July 4th we are able to gather at J&K house to celebrate the birth of this nation. What I like about this is that the family atmosphere and the fun we have in being together. I am glad that members of Frazier family are able to attend the gathering.
I will post some picture at a later date.. I am having some issues with my camera.. :)
After the Christmas celebration we have at my house, we are go on separate way and continue with our hum drum of life requirement. From going to work to going to the groceries store.. we are caught up with our daily lives.
I am really glad that on July 4th we are able to gather at J&K house to celebrate the birth of this nation. What I like about this is that the family atmosphere and the fun we have in being together. I am glad that members of Frazier family are able to attend the gathering.
I will post some picture at a later date.. I am having some issues with my camera.. :)
Friday, March 25, 2016
I may never knew how hen feels about her chicks, but one thing I am certain of, our loves as parent toward our chilren and grandchildren are out of this world. So many times we may not have shown it. But, nontheless our longing for being in the midst of them are sometimes unbearbale.
I was nervous, and excited at the same time when I found out that my pace is goign to be the gathering place for my children. But soon the feeling turned into joy and blitz as I very much enjoyed each of them. My happiness touched me deeply, I am a very fortunate man, there is no doubt about that!
I cannot stop thinking how a child grew up to be a young man with no direction in his life, gone to place he never dreamt of and become a father and grandfather to so many beautiful children and grandchildren. I wonder if I am going to wake up one day and see that all this is just a dream, is it?
I sure hope NOT!
I may never knew how hen feels about her chicks, but one thing I am certain of, our loves as parent toward our chilren and grandchildren are out of this world. So many times we may not have shown it. But, nontheless our longing for being in the midst of them are sometimes unbearbale.
I was nervous, and excited at the same time when I found out that my pace is goign to be the gathering place for my children. But soon the feeling turned into joy and blitz as I very much enjoyed each of them. My happiness touched me deeply, I am a very fortunate man, there is no doubt about that!
I cannot stop thinking how a child grew up to be a young man with no direction in his life, gone to place he never dreamt of and become a father and grandfather to so many beautiful children and grandchildren. I wonder if I am going to wake up one day and see that all this is just a dream, is it?
I sure hope NOT!
Sunday, November 29, 2015
The Children
I am not sure when the last time I wrote on this medium. So, I may not the have the time line correct.
I visited my family n Indonesia in October 2014 and I really enjoyed it very much. It's just me and I spent as much as possible with my bothers and sisters who are getting older. We got to take a family picture of those of us that are alive. It was sad to say yet another good bye. I really hope that I have the opportunity to visit the as I do since I return from Iraq.
My youngest son has gotten married this past May 2015. Very nice ceremony at the very big and beautiful church in downtown Los Angeles. I didn't get to have Molly the Photographer because she couldn't make it to the "rehearsal" as planned because of work. I was a bit disappointed, but what else I can do? and all along my distance cousin who came has a camera and like to take picture, and she didn't take any because she forgotten about it and left in in my truck. :( double disappointed there.
My oldest and his family are now living with me. They are about to leave for another assignment. They are heading to Augusta, Georgia. Where the weather is always hot and humid!! Meanwhile I am enjoying them as much as I can. We have just spent Family thanksgiving dinner together with his mother, the first "Thanksgiving Dinner" after my return from Iraq. Yesterday the 28th of November 2014 Abriana Kili Nicole, my oldest grand daughter was baptized into Christ on the . Halleluiah!!
I am looking forward for Christmas time, where we are spending as family. I am not big on Christmas, but my children wanted me to host it!!! better get busy and put together something for the tree.
I visited my family n Indonesia in October 2014 and I really enjoyed it very much. It's just me and I spent as much as possible with my bothers and sisters who are getting older. We got to take a family picture of those of us that are alive. It was sad to say yet another good bye. I really hope that I have the opportunity to visit the as I do since I return from Iraq.
My youngest son has gotten married this past May 2015. Very nice ceremony at the very big and beautiful church in downtown Los Angeles. I didn't get to have Molly the Photographer because she couldn't make it to the "rehearsal" as planned because of work. I was a bit disappointed, but what else I can do? and all along my distance cousin who came has a camera and like to take picture, and she didn't take any because she forgotten about it and left in in my truck. :( double disappointed there.
My oldest and his family are now living with me. They are about to leave for another assignment. They are heading to Augusta, Georgia. Where the weather is always hot and humid!! Meanwhile I am enjoying them as much as I can. We have just spent Family thanksgiving dinner together with his mother, the first "Thanksgiving Dinner" after my return from Iraq. Yesterday the 28th of November 2014 Abriana Kili Nicole, my oldest grand daughter was baptized into Christ on the . Halleluiah!!
I am looking forward for Christmas time, where we are spending as family. I am not big on Christmas, but my children wanted me to host it!!! better get busy and put together something for the tree.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Family Reunion and Matt's Wedding
Just got back from my immediate Family Reunion in California; and at the same time attending my youngest son (Matthew) wedding ceremony. We had a blast and everyone seems to enjoy it. I do hope that the next time we will have a good time as well. We visited the Disneyland, going to the beach, hang out at Universal Studio, ride the tram at the Safari San Diego to get close to the animals, shopping and just doing nothing at Matt house spending quality time with my sons and their family. I LOVE IT!!! I am going to post some picture later, having issue with my phone :(
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Getting back to the swing of things.. :-)
Sitting on my PC thinking, I got a lot of catching up to do on this blog. My last blog was penned back in September 2013. Wow.. that is over a year and a half of in-activity. I am going to have to get busy and start writing ha ha ha... yeah right! But, I am going to try. Let me tell you the high lights of these couple of years.
I requested transferred to Texas and it was granted. So I moved to Texas and be able to be close to my children and grand children. I am thrill knowing that I can spend more time with my children and their children's. And I bought a house, well a duplex.. in one of the many cities of Texas. Contrary to what I had planed.... Life sure have a way to throw you surprises.. :-)
My trip to Indonesia I took last September was really a high light for me. I took Andrew, Josh and his wife, Kristen. We have family reunion... at my birth city, Yogyakarta. total if 62 people attended, I think it was really good for my children, to have finally met their aunts and uncles and their cousins, and knowing their father birth place. I am promoting and hopeful for our second reunion in the year 2020.
My American sister, Marsha Kay got married on the birthday of my mom, 29 November last year. I really wanted to go but, the work didn't allowed me to have some times off. I really feel bad about that. Cheers sister! May your marriage bring happiness and joy to you and your children. I am thinking to start making plan to go see them each year too. Hhummm...I have to plan this in my calendar.
My beloved American "Mom" passed a year a half ago. I went and speech at her funeral. I am sad to see her go, but I know she is in a better place. In light of the upcoming Mother's Day, I wrote the below article as a reminder for me of how lucky I was to have her in my life.
I requested transferred to Texas and it was granted. So I moved to Texas and be able to be close to my children and grand children. I am thrill knowing that I can spend more time with my children and their children's. And I bought a house, well a duplex.. in one of the many cities of Texas. Contrary to what I had planed.... Life sure have a way to throw you surprises.. :-)
My trip to Indonesia I took last September was really a high light for me. I took Andrew, Josh and his wife, Kristen. We have family reunion... at my birth city, Yogyakarta. total if 62 people attended, I think it was really good for my children, to have finally met their aunts and uncles and their cousins, and knowing their father birth place. I am promoting and hopeful for our second reunion in the year 2020.
My American sister, Marsha Kay got married on the birthday of my mom, 29 November last year. I really wanted to go but, the work didn't allowed me to have some times off. I really feel bad about that. Cheers sister! May your marriage bring happiness and joy to you and your children. I am thinking to start making plan to go see them each year too. Hhummm...I have to plan this in my calendar.
My beloved American "Mom" passed a year a half ago. I went and speech at her funeral. I am sad to see her go, but I know she is in a better place. In light of the upcoming Mother's Day, I wrote the below article as a reminder for me of how lucky I was to have her in my life.
In memory of FRANCES F. HEBDEN (29 NOV 1928 to 21 JUL 2013)
As I stepped off the plane, I felt lost, full of wander, fearful, bewildered, and host of other emotions mixed up within me. I just got off from a long flight, and getting off at the third busiest airport in the world, it doesn't help any... strangers all around me, different colors of people, different looks, different environment, different language, different everything. This flight I took some thirty-five years ago, at 19 years old. changed my life forever.
As I went down the escalator, something I recognized appeared before me, my “name” written on a 5x8 placard held by an American couple, which few months later they became my "mom and dad." Francis and Chris had decided to sponsor me to come to this country, something that millions other young men and women’s would long to have experience but couldn’t.
As years passes, my love for my “mom” grew, even to this day. I love her because she gave me ten dollars to spend on a double Whopper, French fries, large Coca Cola, and Strawberry milk shake every day for lunch, when I was learning my English language in a local high school to understand what people are talking about. I love her because I remember how she always brag on me when she introduced me to her friends, neighbors, and her church people. She gave me the care I needed, the love I wanted and the tenderness as though I am her own son. I love her because she was there for me in my darkest hours, going through the difficulties of life. She understood me, listened to me, motivated me, and strengthen me and most of all she has loved me so dearly.
I will always remember you, mom! You have given me the outlook on life I needed to survive in this world. You have given me the strength to carry on. You have given me your wisdom so I may learn from it. Even though you are no longer walk amongst us, I will remember your presence will always be with me. Even though you are no longer calling me with you cheerful voice, your watchful eyes will always stay with me to guide me to take a better path. Rest in peace now mother in the arms of Jesus. Thank you for everything that you have done for me, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. I love you Mom!
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