Saturday, October 31, 2009
LIFE as I see IT
Life is not precious as people says they are... it is expendable. Relationship come and goes, so sudden without warning. Life can change in a heart beat, and will throw you off balance. Your friends can be your enemy.. people smile at you and yet deep in their bowel, they want you dead... when opportunity present itself they will blow you up to pieces... this is the reality of life. Some people are saved from this experience and if you asked me, they are better off. Heaven and Hell are right under your nose.. differentiate by a single hair. How you have been brought up in life and how you live your life, will determined how you see life and experience life.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
This graduation was somewhat different, then my two previous BCT graduation of my two other sons. Matt did not get to walk on the stage, some one forgot to pick him up from his company area. He was told to report to TMC it is short for Troop Medical Clinic the morning of his graduation day, to get clear from his 'profile'. He injured himself while he was doing the road march. We went to his graduation, without seeing him there. It was a disappointment for us, and I am sure Matt was more disappointed as well. We did not wait for the ceremony to be over. We went to see him in the company area. Later on the Company Executive apologized to us for allowing it to happened. I am sorry that you did not get to wlaked on the stage son. I am sure there will be many more opportunity for you to walk on the stage.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Taken by Surprise
Hello All, After reading the below article by Rubel Shelly, I thought I would post this and hopefully will help you as it does help me finding life's deeper meaning, because you are the one the writer talked about. And as for me, I am looking at the the quiver lip and waiting for the VICTORY!
Life has a habit of taking us by surprise. Events catch us off guard and send us reeling. Accident, injury, family stress, divorce, job transfer, layoff - these are some of the high-stress events that can shake our poise. The danger is that these things can send people into panic mode. She makes some totally irresponsible statement. He acts without thinking. Harm is done to relationships that can never be undone. The same events can shake our theological footing. Long-resolved doubts resurface. She withdraws from Christian friends and stops attending church. He begins to blame God for what is happening in his life.
Am I just imagining that people react to life's sneak attacks in these ways? Haven't you seen it too? Is some form of it going on with you? Imagine that your scared-for-his-life husband offered you as a sexual playmate to the man he feared, that your were a teenager forced to spend years in jail because of someone's lie about you, that all your children have been killed in the same horrible storm, or that your racial identity caused some people to deny you your civil rights.
These "hypothetical" episodes are the biblical stories of Sarah, Joseph, Job, and Paul. The people whose stories we know from the Bible are not figures in stained-glass windows. They were real flesh-and-blood people like you and me. They emerged from their crisis situations in victory mode. Yet they lost precious things and certainly bore scars from what had happened to them.
If we could look into heaven at those bitter junctures of life, though, our hearts would be reassured. Looking into God's face, we would discover there is no sweat on his upper lip. Even if we are shocked and disoriented, he is not. Oh, his lip would be quivering with compassion for our pain, but he is sovereign over his universe. Nothing catches him by surprise, and he knows precisely how to get his wounded children through their most harrowing life crises.
The sounds of a howling mob, a whip ripping into bare flesh, and a hammer driving nails into hands and feet were overwhelming sounds - until the tomb was found empty. The same power that raised him then sustains us now.
So, when you feel you are about to lose it, visualize God's upper lip. Trust his promises. Know you are not alone. Wait for victory.
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Life has a habit of taking us by surprise. Events catch us off guard and send us reeling. Accident, injury, family stress, divorce, job transfer, layoff - these are some of the high-stress events that can shake our poise. The danger is that these things can send people into panic mode. She makes some totally irresponsible statement. He acts without thinking. Harm is done to relationships that can never be undone. The same events can shake our theological footing. Long-resolved doubts resurface. She withdraws from Christian friends and stops attending church. He begins to blame God for what is happening in his life.
Am I just imagining that people react to life's sneak attacks in these ways? Haven't you seen it too? Is some form of it going on with you? Imagine that your scared-for-his-life husband offered you as a sexual playmate to the man he feared, that your were a teenager forced to spend years in jail because of someone's lie about you, that all your children have been killed in the same horrible storm, or that your racial identity caused some people to deny you your civil rights.
These "hypothetical" episodes are the biblical stories of Sarah, Joseph, Job, and Paul. The people whose stories we know from the Bible are not figures in stained-glass windows. They were real flesh-and-blood people like you and me. They emerged from their crisis situations in victory mode. Yet they lost precious things and certainly bore scars from what had happened to them.
If we could look into heaven at those bitter junctures of life, though, our hearts would be reassured. Looking into God's face, we would discover there is no sweat on his upper lip. Even if we are shocked and disoriented, he is not. Oh, his lip would be quivering with compassion for our pain, but he is sovereign over his universe. Nothing catches him by surprise, and he knows precisely how to get his wounded children through their most harrowing life crises.
The sounds of a howling mob, a whip ripping into bare flesh, and a hammer driving nails into hands and feet were overwhelming sounds - until the tomb was found empty. The same power that raised him then sustains us now.
So, when you feel you are about to lose it, visualize God's upper lip. Trust his promises. Know you are not alone. Wait for victory.
For back issues and other resources please visit ----
Monday, August 31, 2009
Michigan, USA
Opportunity came for me this past week to take my sister to Michigan to return a visit my mom made seven years ago. My sister also met Dr. Larry Copeland, who was responsible for my brother Aji to study at Michigan State University, where Larry is one of the professor in the Agriculture Department. In turn Aji was able to secured a student visa and a sponsor for me to come to America.

My American Mom Frances Hebden, a friend of hers Sue Parson, and Elizabeth Boznango visited Indonesia in 2002. I felt really privileged to take them to visit my birth country and introduced her to the rest of my family. We visited Marcia grave site to pay respect. It is Javanese tradition to pay a visit to our loves one grave site to remember those who has passed away and to offer prayers. Elizabeth came to where we stayed on the last day, but as I expected her bubbly personality has added our visit, more enjoyable and fun. Thank you Elizabeth for your video you let us watched of your visit to Indonesia seven years ago.
A couple of our nephews who lives in Canada, Ben and Jon also were able to joined us with their famillies. It was a great to see them. I was incredibly amazed at how they have grown in maturity and wisdom. May God bless them as they continue to seek His ways.
And of course I have to pay a visit to my old almamater.. my old high school, MASON HIGH.. How can I forgot? There are a lot of small changes around the school, for a brief moment I walked the "Memory Lane" once again. GO BULLDOG!

Greg and Dottie Hebden has graciously provided us rooms during our visit. Your hospitality are reflections of your kind hearts. Thank you brother, and God bless both of you always.

My American Mom Frances Hebden, a friend of hers Sue Parson, and Elizabeth Boznango visited Indonesia in 2002. I felt really privileged to take them to visit my birth country and introduced her to the rest of my family. We visited Marcia grave site to pay respect. It is Javanese tradition to pay a visit to our loves one grave site to remember those who has passed away and to offer prayers. Elizabeth came to where we stayed on the last day, but as I expected her bubbly personality has added our visit, more enjoyable and fun. Thank you Elizabeth for your video you let us watched of your visit to Indonesia seven years ago.
A couple of our nephews who lives in Canada, Ben and Jon also were able to joined us with their famillies. It was a great to see them. I was incredibly amazed at how they have grown in maturity and wisdom. May God bless them as they continue to seek His ways.
And of course I have to pay a visit to my old almamater.. my old high school, MASON HIGH.. How can I forgot? There are a lot of small changes around the school, for a brief moment I walked the "Memory Lane" once again. GO BULLDOG!
Greg and Dottie Hebden has graciously provided us rooms during our visit. Your hospitality are reflections of your kind hearts. Thank you brother, and God bless both of you always.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
"TIME" Where Art Thou?
Pheeweeees.. where does the "time" goes? I blink and a month passed by, I slept and few years gone, time really have a way of creeping up on you. I feel the need to post a couple of things on this blog...
My oldest sister Yu-Ning, who lives in Indonesia is here with me on a visit. She looks really well for 74 years old, I am proud of her. Her son Reza, who lives in Holland with his wife Janette, and their adorable four years old daughter Marisha came with her. After spending two-and-a-half months in Holland Yuning came to America to visit me. I have the opportunity to go with them to Las Vegas, and tag a long when they went to Disneyland. Reza and Jeanette has to return to work and they left after fifteen days stay. It was really good to have them here. I hope they enjoyed their visit.
Reza wanted to go to Red-Lobster so bad to eat. They have none of those in Holland. After a couple of tried, couldn't find the restaurant, so I took them to restaurant a colleague at work recommended. It must have been their good fortune, because we ran into celebrity there. He happened to be Jannette favorite celebs.
I can feel a lump in my throat as I hug and said good bye to youngest son Matthew. Dropping him off at the LAX airport at Four A.M. , I just couldn't believe that almost thirty years ago as a naive young man, I came to this same airport feeling lost and alone; and thirty years and four sons later, that once naive-young-man youngest son left to join the best institution in the world, the US Army. Following his father and two older brothers foot steps, Matthew shipped to Fort Sill, Oklahoma for Basic Combat Training, with further assignment to 1-79 FA Battalion. Check out this link to read all about it
I can feel a lump in my throat as I hug and said good bye to youngest son Matthew. Dropping him off at the LAX airport at Four A.M. , I just couldn't believe that almost thirty years ago as a naive young man, I came to this same airport feeling lost and alone; and thirty years and four sons later, that once naive-young-man youngest son left to join the best institution in the world, the US Army. Following his father and two older brothers foot steps, Matthew shipped to Fort Sill, Oklahoma for Basic Combat Training, with further assignment to 1-79 FA Battalion. Check out this link to read all about it
Monday, August 3, 2009
1st Bi-Annual Suprobo Family Reunion
Highlights of this reunion are,
THE TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER in Arlington, VA was on my last stop before leaving the area. It is a sobering thought of how many dies unknown. I really appreciate knowing that this country remember those who died for her cause, even when no one else would.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Broken Serpentine Belt
I went to LAX this afternoon to greet more soldiers returning from deployment. Although they are not many family members in the mix, the few that came has the same effect on me nonetheless. I am happy for them and wishes them the best. I went to the hotel where they are going to stay for a couple of days for Welcome Ceremony and briefings. Once they complete the briefing they will be release.
On the way back to my office, I heard a funny noise from the engine and lost the power steering on my truck. I decided to drive on the 10-12 miles back to the office. Once I got there, I heard this noise of boiling water under the hood. When I opened the hood... Yep, you guessed it... it was my radiator overheating and the antifreeze is spewing over to the asphalt. The Serpentine belt that connected all the pulleys to the alternator, the radiator, the engine is gone. In its place was a residue of the belt. I was really fortunate that my truck lasted that long. I guess I am going to spent some time to get it taking care off tomorrow.
On the way back to my office, I heard a funny noise from the engine and lost the power steering on my truck. I decided to drive on the 10-12 miles back to the office. Once I got there, I heard this noise of boiling water under the hood. When I opened the hood... Yep, you guessed it... it was my radiator overheating and the antifreeze is spewing over to the asphalt. The Serpentine belt that connected all the pulleys to the alternator, the radiator, the engine is gone. In its place was a residue of the belt. I was really fortunate that my truck lasted that long. I guess I am going to spent some time to get it taking care off tomorrow.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Week End
Another week end just around the corner. I am excited about going to see the boys and the grand children. To bad that Andrew will not be in the mix. The next time he is going to have to be there no matter what. I am also excited to know that my sister from Indonesia will be coming to visit me. I need to clean and organize the house. I need to get rid a lot of stuff. I just could believe how much stuff I collect through out the years. I hope I can accomplish much this week end.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
America Celebrate

Matthew and I went to see the city of Los Angeles celebrating the 233rd years of existence as we knew it. Thanks son, for encouraging me to go out and watch the show. I had fun and glad that we can spent this time together.
I am really grateful to be a citizen of this country and specially grateful for those who have fought and died to give me this privileges. Through my own experiences, I can only see a glimpse of the struggles and the sacrifices that the people of this nation had to go through in making this country as great as it is today.
God Bless America!
I am really grateful to be a citizen of this country and specially grateful for those who have fought and died to give me this privileges. Through my own experiences, I can only see a glimpse of the struggles and the sacrifices that the people of this nation had to go through in making this country as great as it is today.
God Bless America!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
B-Day Celebration

The food wasn't bad at all... although it is bit expensive for my taste. We had a good time, lots of laughter's and of course the SAKE I tried, help loosen me up a bit. But, I needed that. It gives me somewhat a social life, I don't have.
Friday, June 26, 2009
New Beginning?

I was notified today about my Officer candidacy, I WAS SELECTED TO BE ONE! I am so excited and yet fearful at the same time. I need to make decision, even though I have not excepted this selection as of yet. I really need to think seriously of what I am going to do now. Do I really want this big responsibility?
Will I be a good Officer? Will I be able to keep up with what requires of me? Will I be able to use my experiences in the Army to help those who I serves? What kind of an Officer I will be? Oh God, help!
As Mr. Snider and Watkins stated “Our profession’s ethic remains the foundation of trust which the American people place in their military” (Future of the Army Profession, 2002) our Army Ethic rests on a bedrock of our seven Army Values: LDRSHIP. It is a unique collection, and reflects the high standards to which the entire Army adheres, regardless of its mission area. Will I be able to uphold the sacred trust that the people of this great nation placed upon me? And to stay committed to the ethic which rest on the this bedrock? I will be ALL THAT I CAN BE.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Secretary of Labor
On Monday, I have the privileged to participate in the "LA CAUSA-Youth Build" event. LA CAUSA engages disenfranchised young people and their families from East Los Angeles to take action against the injustices that impact low-income communities of color. Our unit was tasked to provide an HONOR detail, and the main speaker was the secretary of Labor, Honorable Hilda Solis. She is from this area and I really appreciate the fact that she has not forgotten where she came from and has made the time out of her busy scheduled to promote event such as these. Madame Secretary, my hat off to you Ma'am.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Fathers Day

It's "Father Day" today, My sons, Andrew and Josh called me to wish me a "happy Fathers day," and a week ago Matt bought me a pair of really expensive shoes for Fathers day. I am not really big on days like this, I am not even big on birthdays... but I am really glad that they remember this old man. Speaking of Fathers... Josh was asking me if I should start looking and going to church the other day... and I have been thinking about it lately too. Is He calling me?
Saturday, June 20, 2009
My first day off since the beginning of the month, sitting here in front of my PC and writ ting my journal. I planned on sleeping in and take it easy this morning, but what do you know.. I am up at 5 am this morning and can't go back to sleep.. the bastard alarm clock woke me up. Oh well, guess I have more time to fiddle around with this blog.
Supposed to go golfing with Matt today.. I am not sure with the weather in the low sixty is kind of chilly to be out there chasing the white ball all over the greens. Hopefully the sun will shine come 10-11 o'clock. Meanwhile I can work on my damn bills, to see how much money I got left. Check on my e-mails, to see who remembers to write me.
A cup of JAVA in my hand and SPECTACLES in my eyes... I should be set. Damn I am getting old, I can't see good anymore...
Supposed to go golfing with Matt today.. I am not sure with the weather in the low sixty is kind of chilly to be out there chasing the white ball all over the greens. Hopefully the sun will shine come 10-11 o'clock. Meanwhile I can work on my damn bills, to see how much money I got left. Check on my e-mails, to see who remembers to write me.
A cup of JAVA in my hand and SPECTACLES in my eyes... I should be set. Damn I am getting old, I can't see good anymore...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Our Annual Training is almost over. Two more days and I will be back to my routine. I am planning to submit a couple of names for a reward.
I have a visitor from higher headquarters today. They came so that they can assist me in getting some of my work load down. At first I was apprehensive about these visitors. But after today, it seems they are really going to help me with some of my work. Hopefully that is the case for tomorrow as well.
I have a wonderful news today. My oldest son has been accepted in to the Green to Gold program. This is where you as an Enlisted person in the Army, through a college program be a commision to be an Officer. He will be a full time student for the next two years, compliment of Uncle Sam without having to worry about anything that come as being in the Army. CONGRATULATION SON! I AM PROUD OF YOU!
I have a visitor from higher headquarters today. They came so that they can assist me in getting some of my work load down. At first I was apprehensive about these visitors. But after today, it seems they are really going to help me with some of my work. Hopefully that is the case for tomorrow as well.
I have a wonderful news today. My oldest son has been accepted in to the Green to Gold program. This is where you as an Enlisted person in the Army, through a college program be a commision to be an Officer. He will be a full time student for the next two years, compliment of Uncle Sam without having to worry about anything that come as being in the Army. CONGRATULATION SON! I AM PROUD OF YOU!
Friday, June 12, 2009
I guess I spoke to early about having an "Okay Day" on my last opost. It seems that we spoke things to early sometimes and things has a way to proof you wrong. The pressure is on, on the job. My beloved commander received the pressure on delinquent equipment lateral tranfers that he is now putting the issue in his forfront. In a way I got my wish... I want him to pay attention to Supply Aspect of his command and he is paying attention now. Hopefully things would not getting out of hand.
Annual Training is so far is getting better. My PLT SGT really doing an outstanding job and I believe is ready to put on that next rank. I will encurages her to submit her promotion packet and I don't see any rrrreaons why she would not be promoted.
Annual Training is so far is getting better. My PLT SGT really doing an outstanding job and I believe is ready to put on that next rank. I will encurages her to submit her promotion packet and I don't see any rrrreaons why she would not be promoted.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
An "Okay" Day
How about that... I left at about 5pm from work yesterday and there are other people are still there. Normally I was the last one to leave. I have to turn off the lights and check all the doors are locked. Why do I feel guilty about it then? May be if I do this more often, I wouldn't be?
Anyway... I am really glad, yesterday was one of easy day for me. I don't feel any pressures and I can oversees others like a supervisors do, rather then doing it myself. I really hope that this will continue thorugh out the week and that we will be able to get some work done together...
Anyway... I am really glad, yesterday was one of easy day for me. I don't feel any pressures and I can oversees others like a supervisors do, rather then doing it myself. I really hope that this will continue thorugh out the week and that we will be able to get some work done together...
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Annual Training
Today is the start of a long work weeks for me. I will be working non-stop until the 19th of June. I hope that I will get it together and stay cool..
Friday, June 5, 2009
To Early
In trying this blog spot, I found my self getting lost and getting sleepy... after all it is 4 am in the morning, and I have been up a couple of hours now. I think I am going to try to go back to sleep. Hopefully I can get a couple of hours slumber before I have to get up and go to work... good night!
Exploring New Field
Well, here it is... my first attempt in blog. This is a new field for me... I heard so much about it, read some other people who has blog spots. I decided to try it my self. People say it is much easier then creating your own website. So, we'll see..
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