Our FIRST SUPROBO FAMILY REUNION was a success! I am so glad! I can not wait until the next time around. We are going on a CRUISE! I spent four days with my flesh and blood, doing things with them, talking to them and specially playing with my grand children. They are the most beautiful creatures on earth [NO BIAS :-)].
Highlights of this reunion are,

CAPITOL TOUR guided by with an intern US REP Randy Neugebaur. Thank you sir for the privilege of meeting with you and your awesome staff!

BUSCH GARDEN trip was extraordinaire. The perk of being a member of the military, the admission for me and up to five of my dependents is free, courtesy of Cindy McCain. Thank you Cindy for giving me the chance of watching my grand children play.

THE TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER in Arlington, VA was on my last stop before leaving the area. It is a sobering thought of how many dies unknown. I really appreciate knowing that this country remember those who died for her cause, even when no one else would.

The whole family have fun. Due to military commitment Andrew can not come, which I understand completely. Uncle Sam sent him on a mission among the Native American Tribe in Montana. That must have been really interesting. I want to find out his story on that. we miss you Andrew.
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