Saturday, November 27, 2010
Indonesia Festival 2010 in Los Angeles
I am taking lesson to play the gamelan and is it to my surprise that I really-really enjoying it. I joined a musician group call the "Paguyuban Karawitan Ngesti Budoyo." I am so glad that I did. I becamme more familiar with the music of my ancestors.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Independence Day
I can nt remember what happened the past six months.... hehehehe... I know there is New Years Celebration, my fiftieth b-day celebration and then suddenly is America B-day celebration. It's all become a blur for me. I guess my age is showing with the memory loss.
In the past month I spent several weeks in the field. I was so tired that I was to lazy to do anything, I wanted to sleep all the time.. and it seems that I have no energy anymore... may be this is also my age is showing... I may have to change my 30 years plan. We'll see...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
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November 2009.. "Thanks Giving" is my most favorite day of the year... that is the only holiday that I enjoy to celebrates. It is the most unique remembrance our people has to offer. During this "thanks-giving" day, I attended the United Service Organization (USO) ARM FORCES S SERVICES day. It was really great how the people of this country supported the troops. I am glad it is so..
USO has been around a long time. They support the troops abroad as well as here at home. If I am not mistaken BOB HOPE (God bless his soul) traveled all over Europe and the Pacific to ensure that American men- (back in WWII only men) in combat got a break from their daily jobs and be entertain and refresh as they laugh and forget about their helllish experiences.... at least for a day. May all the combatants who died, in the past, present and in the future, Rest In Peace as they fight for their country and gave the final sacrifice.
I also had the opportunity to clebrate with Jay Leno-
the late night talk host show of NBC, with the rest of my "brothers and sister at
arms." No, I was not the main person he interviewed. He interviewed MEGAN FOX.... and
I was thiiiis close to the "foxy lady."
I was upset to find out that my camera battery was dead. What a bummer, believe me it will not happened again :( ... After the show, we were treated with the most extravaganza feast I ever seen served. They decked up the place and feed us like we were the lords adn the ladies. I mean you could not believe how much foods they have for us.
The culmination of my November got to be the visit from Andrew, my third son. He visited me for a week end and I was so thrilled. I had a visit from Josh the first year I moved to LA. Now, if I can get my oldest son to come, then it will be complete, perhaps this year. Andrew and I went on a little trip to SUNSET and HOLLYWOOD Boulavard... you know the usual.. got to take him to the infamous sign... and was told to get off the hill, because he climbed up all the the way and was wanting to touch the sign.