Well, I have not been faithful to my word in getting this blog written everyday, or may be life is not so bad any more that I have to rant and rave on my blog... hehehe... There is a lot of events that took place since I written on this medium. Hummm... let see.... my last blog was October 2009, and now is April 2010.. that's mean I have like six months to catch up... so, here we goes..
End of October or early November, I took my two weeks leave to visit the "old home country" stick aaround Jakata... the city doesn't look the same at all... and Yogyakarta to visit my parent graves site. The old city looks the same.. more vehicles on the road than I like it to be... but nonetheless it hasn't change much. All in all it was very short trip... but as always I have a blast and have really good time with my brothers and sisters. I long to stay for more then just ten days where I can really enjoy my visit.
Picture of me and my nephews and nieces after an evening of Bowling (left). I tried to start the tradition, where I tried to encourage all my nephews and nieces to play a game or two of bowling with me. I am hoping one of these days they all can come and play...
Here some of my brothers, and sister shows up to join us. Why not? the more the merrier.....
We celebrated my older brother "BOONE" birthday.. I think that what it was.. we gather and enjoy his hospitality and definitely the foods... man what a feast....he sure knows how to put on a party. For your information, the three of us carry the name "AJI." It was told to me that our Dad were given a position in the hierarchy of the Sultan, and "AJI" is a title of his position... Sedyo-Aji; Firman Buntolo-Aji; and Susilo Heryanto-Aji. In front is our dear sisters Sri Purwanesti Nurprabaningsih "June" and Sarojini Wuryan Rahayu "Jeanie." (Right photo).
Picture below was taken in front of our parents grave site. We gather here to talk about our parent and share some stories about them. We pray the prayer of thanksgiving for our parents and gave suplication to God for them. Although we knows that God is the outhor of life and that our existance are due to God's will, and our parents are mere instruments to bring about our existence.... nonetheless without them, we wont be who we are today.
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November 2009.. "Thanks Giving" is my most favorite day of the year... that is the only holiday that I enjoy to celebrates. It is the most unique remembrance our people has to offer. During this "thanks-giving" day, I attended the United Service Organization (USO) ARM FORCES S SERVICES day. It was really great how the people of this country supported the troops. I am glad it is so.. 
USO has been around a long time. They support the troops abroad as well as here at home. If I am not mistaken BOB HOPE (God bless his soul) traveled all over Europe and the Pacific to ensure that American men- (back in WWII only men) in combat got a break from their daily jobs and be entertain and refresh as they laugh and forget about their helllish experiences.... at least for a day. May all the combatants who died, in the past, present and in the future, Rest In Peace as they fight for their country and gave the final sacrifice.
I also had the opportunity to clebrate with Jay Leno-
the late night talk host show of NBC, with the rest of my "brothers and sister at
arms." No, I was not the main person he interviewed.
He interviewed MEGAN FOX.... and
I was thiiiis close to the "foxy lady."

I was upset to find out that my camera battery was dead. What a bummer, believe me it will not happened again :( ... After the show, we were treated with the most extravaganza feast I ever seen served. They decked up the place and feed us like we were the lords adn the ladies. I mean you could not believe how much foods they have for us.
The culmination of my November got to be the visit from Andrew, my third son. He visited me for a week end and I was so thrilled. I had a visit from Josh the first year I moved to LA. Now, if I can get my oldest son to come, then it will be complete, perhaps this year. Andrew and I went on a little trip to SUNSET and HOLLYWOOD Boulavard... you know the usual.. got to take him to the infamous sign... and was told to get off the hill, because he climbed up all the the way and was wanting to touch the sign.

Hey this is Mike from Toronto... Well, I'm in Singapore right now actually.
ReplyDeleteHow's it going?
And no way! You were there at the Jay Leno thing with Megan Fox?? The one where there was a little race and Jay gave out a car to the winner?
I remember watching that live hahah
Cool stuff
Yeah... I was there and I was thiiiis close to Megan Fox, I can smell her perfume... hehehehe. Things going alright for me... Army keeping me busy. What about you? How is Singapore life's?
ReplyDeletedamn, megan fox thats pretty dope still.
ReplyDeleteim back in toronto now.
just working and stuff for the summer.
eyang mami, eyang papi, rizal and bude ani i think are here now for 2 weeks or so.